Hey there, fellow dreamers and doers,
I'm feeling a little spicy today, so we're gonna get into something that made me hesitate for YEARS before starting my business. --> Let’s talk about the thrill and terror of starting a business in today's world.
In a world where the internet can feel like a battleground of opinions, launching something as personal as a small business can be daunting. As someone diving headfirst into this adventure with Nourish & Play, I’ve had plentyyyyy of sleepless nights and moments of doubt. But through it all, there was a fire burning within me that I couldn't ignore—a passion to create and share something meaningful with the world.
Nourish & Play isn’t just about products; it’s a labor of love, crafted from genuine passion and a desire to make a positive impact. Maybe you can relate. Maybe you have a side hustle, an Etsy shop, or a startup idea simmering on the back burner. You know that rush of excitement when your idea starts to take shape, that energy that pulses through your body when you realize it is finally time to make this dream a reality. All of this then tempered by the fear of putting it out there for everyone to judge.
The internet, as incredible as it is for connecting us globally, can also be utterly unforgiving. Every product, every idea, every word feels like it’s up for scrutiny. Will they like it? Will they understand what I’m trying to do? Or worse, will they tear it apart before even trying to understand?
Fear of failure is real. It’s that gnawing doubt that what you create might not measure up. That your heart and hard work that you have poured into your creations might be dismissed with a click of a mouse or a harsh comment. It’s enough to make you question whether your creations are good enough to sell at all, or if they’re only good enough to gift to those who already love you unconditionally.
But here’s the thing—I believe in what I’m doing. I believe in the power of creativity to bring joy, nourishment, and inspiration to others. Nourish & Play isn’t just about soaps and candles; it’s about creating a community where kindness and appreciation thrive. It’s about making the world a little brighter, little by little.
Sure, there will be critics. There will be those who don’t get it or who aren’t interested. That’s okay. What matters most are the connections we make with those who do resonate with our mission. People who share our values and appreciate the effort and love we pour into every jar, every recipe, every design.
So, to everyone out there who’s hesitating on their own journey because of the fear of judgment, I say this: You have something special to offer. Your passion, your creativity, and your unique perspective are worth sharing. Don’t let the fear of what might happen online hold you back from making a real difference in the world, both online and offline.
Let’s create spaces where positivity and support outweigh negativity and criticism. Let’s celebrate each other’s successes, no matter how small. And let’s continue to nourish and play, because in doing so, we not only enrich our own lives but also contribute to a world that sorely needs more kindness and creativity.
Here’s to taking that leap, facing our fears, and building something incredible. Together, let’s make the world a better place—one handmade creation, one thoughtful interaction, and one genuine connection at a time.
With hope and sincerity,
Founder of Nourish & Play